Commercial lawyers in Lyon

Working alongside professionals, SMEs and very small businesses, we can provide you with advice and help you settle your disputes.

#MUSE AVOCATS: a group of lawyers specialising in commercial law

We are a group of lawyers with expertise in a wide range of areas. wide range of legal areas,
gathered around a independent 100 % online platform.

You'll benefit from all the expertise you're looking for, with a real-time monitoring of your files
and a direct contact with your lawyer without intermediaries.


Commercial disputes

We can assist you in resolving your disputes, whether amicably or through the courts. Our expertise also covers corporate matters.

Commercial leases

All commercial leases require a seasoned eye from the moment they are drawn up to the end of their term, particularly for termination in the event of non-payment, notice of termination or transfer.

Banking Law

From account agreements to bills of exchange, loans and guarantees, and even payment fraud: 360° expertise.


Initial consultation refunded*

Unfair competition & parasitism

If you are the victim of parasitic behaviour or even orchestrated competition, take action by starting to build up your evidence.

Professional liability

Defend your interests and make use of your insurance.

Business assets

From audits to procedural support, we are at your side to help you avoid sanctions as far as possible.

Disputes resolution

Relationships are best resolved with the intervention of a trusted third party to re-establish communication.

Commercial disputes

We represent you before all the civil and commercial courts in the AURA region (Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes) and throughout France to settle your disputes.

Have you received a summons? An enforcement order?

Send us your bailiff's summons without delay so that we can assist you in the proceedings.

Whether it's urgent proceedings or proceedings or amicable dispute resolution measures (mediation, conciliation), we are experienced in handling litigations.

*Since 1 January 2020, representation by a lawyer has been mandatory before the Commercial Courts for all disputes where the amount at issue exceeds €10,000.00.

Commercial leases

We analyse your situation so that together we can draw up a tailor-made lease agreement.

Similarly, if you are facing unpaid rent, we can handle the rent collection and, if necessary, eviction procedures from A to Z.

Gathering the documents, building up the case, issuing writs by bailiff, taking the case before the Court, attending hearings and enforcement.


From contract signature to the end of the lease, we will help you move forward in this complex relationship between landlord and leaseholder.

Should you need to give notice or renew your lease, our team of experts can advise you on how to assess eviction damages or the rental value of your lease.

Finally, our lawyers work together to support you in the process of selling your lease.

Banking Law

Banking law has many facets: ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of account agreements, starting with charges.

It also covers loan agreements (interest rates, forfeiture) and related guarantees such as bonding or deposit agreements.

Payment methods (bank cards, transfers) and their security against fraud.

Our lawyers can advise you on all these technical matters. 

Unfair competition & parasitism

Have you noticed that a well-known or newly-established competitor is committing behaviour or acts likely to compromise your business or reputation? We will look into every aspect of potential parasitism or unfair competition and draw up an action plan to protect your interests.

Professional liability

Whether you are a craftsman or a freelance entrepreneur, you are sometimes bound by peculiar obligations. Depending on the extent of your obligations, you may be held liable.

Consult us so that we can take action before any dispute arises or to help you resolve an ongoing dispute.

If you are summoned to appear in court, we will work with you to defend your interests throughout the proceedings.

Business assets

One of the first steps into or out of entrepreneurial life is often the business acquisition.

Transactions involving business assets are complex, as the entrepreneur must take care to comply with a strictly regulated process: negotiations, accounting, diagnostics, lease agreement, transfer of licence(s), registration with the tax authorities and RCS, escrow, etc. 

MUSE AVOCATS lawyers work in complete synergy to offer you an all-in-one solution to start your business with success!

Disputes resolution

Commercial litigation lawyer and commercial litigation Lyon.

Some agreements last, others fade away. 

Conflicts between partners are often at the root of a company's deadlock, and need to be handled by third parties to ensure the temporary preservation of the structure (ad hoc measures, administrator) and, if necessary, its transfer or reorganisation.

As soon as a dispute arises between partners, we are able to step in and assist you in order to protect the company's interests as effectively as possible.

Through our experts' network, you can also receive an estimate of the value of your shares before considering selling them.


Frequently Asked Questions
The following is a selection of frequently asked questions. For further information, please use our contact form or the chat module at the bottom of the page.

What is the initial consultation?

La first consultation enables your lawyer to examine your situation in order to identify the various legal issues that arise.

During this meeting, your lawyer will consult the relevant documents in your file in order to complete his analysis (contract(s), invoice(s), exchange(s) between the various parties involved, accounting documents, witness statements, affidavits, bailiff's reports, etc.).

If the information provided is sufficient, a summary can be given to you at the end of this first meeting to explain the state of the law, how it relates to your personal situation and the possible avenues of appeal to protect your rights.

What happens after this initial consultation?

Sometimes it is difficult to resolve all the outstanding issues of a case at the end of a single consultation. Because a case is so complex, we need to request additional documents and/or information from third parties (administrative authorities, public registers, bailiffs' summonses) or to cross-check information in our professional databases.

At this stage, your lawyer will give you a roadmap outlining all the actions to be taken and the strategy to be followed in order to reach a solution.

All the foreseeable steps will be detailed in a fee agreement, which will give you an estimated time to carry out the formalities (drafting of deeds, compulsory formalities, forensic, court referrals, pleadings, enforcement of judgement).

Is the initial consultation charged?

Should you decide to entrust your case to us, your initial consultation will automatically be subject to a refund on your first invoice. However, if the initial consultation is a one-off and does not involve any sequel, the cost of the initial consultation will be set at the preferential flat rate of €69,00 excluding VAT.

How much does a lawyer cost?

Fees charged by MUSE AVOCATS lawyers are usually billed on a time-spent basis.

However, depending on each specific case, its complexity and what is at stake, how many steps need to be taken and the client's financial resources, a tailor-made fixed fee may be set so your budget is under control.

For more detail, please check the Services and fees page.

Can I pay in instalments?

YesThanks to our online payment service provider Stripe® and payment operator Klarna, you can choose to pay your fees by three (3) free of charge.

Are your fees covered by legal expenses insurance?

Yes, in accordance with the deductibles and coverage limits set out in the general and/or special terms and conditions of your insurance policy. Also, please remember your insurance company cannot impose a lawyer on you. You are free to appoint any counsel you wish: our fees will be covered.


Your law firm in Lyon. We welcome you to one of our offices in Lyon. We can also handle all your requests online, whenever you need and wherever you are. Say Hello to digital law!

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Find your lawyer in Lyon and the Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes region: commercial law (commercial leasecourt, commercial court, etc.), real estateWe can advise you on a wide range of legal issues, including criminal law, insurance law and construction law. Assists you and advises you on your business. Carries property auctionshandles both insurance and banking litigation. Intervenes to recover your unpaid rent on your business premises. Appears before the Court of First Instance or the Commercial Court for any represented.

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